
Sophie Michelle

So, my sister is starting a little business making hair bows that match the clothing lines at Naartjie. If you have ever been to Naartjie you know that it is the most darling store! She happens to work there, and was inspired to make bows for the outfits she bought for Sophie, her little one. Anyway, she just got her website up and going with her first line of bows, so go check it out!


You're amazing Val!

{Also, her business cards and website header were designed by yours truly, so remember that if you or someone you know needs logos, business cards, wedding invites, or any other sort of graphic design, let me know!}

1 little thoughts:

Penny said...

Deb-you did an awesome job! Such great graphics- Give me a call- I have a project and I need your help! love ya, auntie pen