
Crazy Daisy's

I love flowers!
When I got home from work last Friday, these were waiting on the counter for me, with a sweet little card, wishing me good luck in my new job.
What a sweetie! I love my husband.


We got to take a short vacation with Heather and Jory over the 24th of July. We celebrated Utah, by leaving it. :) We had such a good time! We drove Thursday night, stayed in Primm (Buffalo Bills has a swimming pool shaped like a Buffalo, great huh!), and finished the drive Friday morning, straight to Newport Beach.

Yes, we love this car! We would take it in a heart beat.
(photo courtesy of Heather)
My Happy Boy!
Logan and Jory throwing the football in the waves.
We love the beach.
This is the size of our beds in the smoking room of the hotel that shares the parking lot of Hooters. Sweet! Ha, Jory made it look so teeny.
We got to get up early on Saturday and watch some of the US Open Surfing Competition. It was pretty cool!

Then we did some shopping,
and spent the rest of the day in the sun!

Logan jumping of the sand, into the lovely ocean!
Catch that wave, babe.

We wish we were back in Cali every weekend! It was so great to have a little adventure before I started working full time and Logan went back to school.
Loved it!

Summertime Summertime Sum-Sum-Summertime Summerti-i-i-i-ime!

I love summer. Why can't it always be summer?
I apologize for the mass amount of photos below, but I thought I'd better make up for the lack of blogging on my part in the last......wow.........9 months.
Love you all,

Did someone say Harry Potter?

For all you guys who prefer not to be Harry Potter nerds (which is most of both sides of our family), I'm sorry for you! :) We went to a HP party with a bunch of our friends a few days before the movie came out, and it was a blast!
All of us....from top left: Mad-Eye Moody, Professor Trelawny, Remus Lupin(Log), Nymphadora Tonks(Me), Fellow Hogwarts Student #1, Fellow Hogwarts Student #2, Cedric Diggory, Ginny Weasley, (bottom row:) Winky the House Elf, Dobby the House Elf, Professor Trelawny #2, and Professor Snape.
Logan playing 'Pin the lightning bolt on Harry Potter.' Moody was making sure he didn't cheat.

Aren't we the cutest wizard couple? Yes, that is my hair, not a wig.
Hogwarts! Our friends Derek and Jamie's apartment, who hosted the party.
Logan and I's home-made licorice wands.

This is how excited Logan was to be at a party honoring my favorite books. But he really did have a good time!
It took a few washes to get my hair back to normal. I was a little worried that it would be tinted pink for a few days.
Expelliarmus! Gotcha...

Thanksgiving Point

My mom took all of us and the little ones to Thanksgiving Point for my birthday. I wish I would have taken more pictures, but there were a few cute ones.
Random....don't we have cute feet? :)
Ella was the only one brave enough to ride the pony. Isn't she darling?

Thanks mom! We can't wait til we can all get together again.... Tyler and Sheena.... COME BACK!! :)


My birthday this year was combined with a little Schippers reunion. It was a blast!
My cute birthday cupcakes...
It was so great to see everyone! We love when we can all get together and play.

Interior Design Senior Exhibit

My four years at school all came down to this (other than the degree of course), our exhibit. We get to show off all our hard work, and do it in an awesome way! Enjoy...
Our last get together before graduation. The entire Interior Design Studio class!
The Exhibit!

My wall...

My best.... Brighton. Oh how I miss her!

My great professors, Darrin, Susie.....
and Steve.
My Popsy loves me!

Happy Graduation to me!!

Oh, YAY!
Finally. The last 4 years have gone by fast and slow. I've accomplished a lot and made a lot of friends along the way. It feels great!

My last visit to the studio... no more late nights!

Rainy graduation days make for a long cold walk across campus.

I LOVE this picture!!! Love you sister!
Thanks so much Logan for supporting me and being so great! Now it's your turn! I love you!
This is actually from Valentine's Day, but I think it's a cute picture! :)